
We like to keep it simple!

PASSWORDS We simply DO NOT store your password. We use Google services to let you in, and so there is no chance for your password to be compromised.
YOUR DATA We DO NOT sell nor use your data for commercial purposes in ANY way (well, except for our own website :). We do, however, use Google Analytics to track the visitors, but again - we do not use it. But just in case, you can have a look at their Privacy Policy.
COOKIES We DO NOT use cookies and we DO NOT track you over multiple sites. That is, other than using Google Analytics, we do not use tracking mechanism.
RIGHT TO BE FORGOTTEN At any time, you have the right to completely wipe out ALL your data from this website. Sure enough, if you paid for a lifetime plan and you delete yourself, we cannot refund you and if you want to join again, you will have to pay again.